Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Learnings in Internet

Since June, I have learned a lot about the Internet specially the used of Internet and the history of Internet. Through Internet we can communicate our family in other country and I learn also the some disadvantage of the Internet like the Hacker. I learn also about the history of Internet ARPANET was discover the Internet because in WorldWar it is used by  the military in order they can detect and set a bomb through Internet. We need to use the Internet in research not in none sense like playing online games it can waste my money and it can give addiction to us. Because of our teacher Ms. Angie I learned a lot about the Internet she teach us and she do her job well. My mother did not know how to use the Internet so I encouraged my Mother to learn how to use the Internet because it can help her. Internet also can entertain us like the news we can research the updated world news and watching the entertainment videos in you tube.

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